a lunch and learn
This pacy, engaging, interactive lunch & learn will bring your people right up to speed on where we’re at as a planet and then get stuck into some surprising ways we can all lower our footprint and up our impact, right here, right now.
60 mins. On Teams or Zoom.
Whether an eco newbie or a deep greenie there’s something here for everyone. There’ll be answers to those niggling questions - like is your bank funding fossil fuels? Are you inadvertently messing up your recycling? And then a Q&A so you can pick our brains!
One of the big barriers to action is that people feel insignificant in the face of climate change with life so busy on top. We help them see how important they are, how easy it is to make an impactful difference, every one empowered and equipped.
Well actually… Magnificent and Mighty.
We want people to FEEL things emotionally and experience it for themselves. No Powerpoint casualties we promise.
The Science Bit Big picture context, nuggets of important climate science
The Aha or Uh-oh Moment ‘Live’ environmental footprint calculator
Tales of the Unexpected An experiential dive into lesser talked about areas of impact
The Bull-by-the Horns Moment An immediately actionable pick and mix
A Personal Road Map Where would we be without co-ordinates?
Hugest thanks for being such outstanding speakers yesterday - people are buzzing about the session this morning
— Abby Chicken, Head of Sustainability, Openreach
So inspiring, the content perfectly pitched and had us all engaged from start to finish. We've had a real commitment to take action.
Bridget Desroches, Change Director, Pepper Money
I can honestly say that I have not seen more excitement in one of our guest talks ever! The chat was buzzing.
— Kevin Ronan, Chief Operating Officer, Profusion
It was fantastically well presented. Really informative, learned lots of new things that I intend to implement straight away!
— Attendee